- Lisa Detwiler-Sifford – Tenor
- Jean Herbranson – Lead
- Faye Donovan – Bass
- Rosemary Spiro – Baritone
Ear Candy has been singing together for 10 years as a registered Sweet Adelines Intl. barbershop quartet. They enjoy their rehearsal time and practice to perform for all audiences.
Lisa Detwiler-Sifford joined Ear Candy, as well as Ringing Hills Chorus, five years ago and sings Tenor. She has sung in church choirs since she was eight, currently singing first soprano.
Jean Herbranson is an original member of Ear Candy, along with Faye and Rosemary, and is a ten year Chapter-at-Large member of SAI. She recently celebrated her 40th anniversary. Jean sings second soprano in her church choir and sings Lead with the quartet. She enjoys singing the melody line and loves the ‘goosebump’ moments of ringing chords.
Faye Donovan has been a member of Ringing Hills Chorus for seventeen years and a member of Ear Candy for ten years. Faye sings ‘tenorette’ in her church choir and Bass with the quartet and chorus. She talks barbershop to everyone she meets and has recruited many of our RHC members.
Rosemary Spiro is a 22-year member of Ringing Hills Chorus and a ten year member of Ear Candy. She was the 2015 Sweet Adeline of the Year, an honor given to her by RHC. Rosemary’s Baritone voice fills in all the chords with both the chorus and quartet, and she enjoys duetting and harmonizing with other voice parts.
Our quartet is available throughout the year to entertain with the sweet sounds of “ear candy”.
For performance information, contact Faye at bookears1@gmail.com.- Aimee Hillegas – Tenor
- Murphy – Bass
- Sue Kane – Lead
- Geiger – Baritone
Parlour Tricks started kicking around the idea of forming a quartet during the fall of 2016. After many companionable weekend rehearsals, and lots of cheese, they decided to make it official. With their varied backgrounds and love for books, travel, the outdoors and, most of all, music, they found that “quartetting” gives them the perfect opportunity to spend time together practicing their hobby. You’re sure to enjoy their song-styling “tricks”!